Processing and Characterization of Bilayer Materials by Solid State Sintering for Orthopedic Applications
Nowadays, industrial processes demand materials with specific properties and localized microstructures to improve material performance. To satisfy particular needs, the development of materials with changing mechanical properties and/or microstructures along a preferential direction has been developed. These are called Functional Graded Materials (FGMs). Among these materials, a variation on the porosity along the part is very useful for different industrial applications, such as microfiltration [1], biomedical applications [2,3,4,5] and microelectronic devices [6]. Research into materials that can be used as bone implants has received a lot of attention in the past decade due to their capacity to improve human health.

A new processing route is proposed to produce graded porous materials by placing particles of Ti6Al4V with different sizes in different configurations to obtain bilayer samples that can be used as bone implants. The sintering behavior is studied by dilatometry and the effect of the layers’ configuration is established. To determine pore features, SEM and computed microtomography were used. Permeability is evaluated by numerical simulations in the 3D real microstructures and the mechanical properties are evaluated by compression tests. The results show that a graded porosity is obtained as a function of the size of the particle used.