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Below you will find a collection of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Amira-Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.

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The fractal nature of the three-phase boundary: A heuristic approach to the degradation of nanostructured solid oxide fuel cell anodes

The fractal nature of the three-phase boundary: A heuristic approach to the degradation of nanostructured solid oxide fuel cell anodes

Nickel/zirconia-based nanostructured electrodes for solid oxide fuel cells suffer from poor stability even at intermediate temperature.

This study quantifies the electrochemical and microstructural degradation of nanostructured electrodes by combining 3D tomography, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and mechanistic modeling. For the first time, the electrochemical degradation of nanostructured electrodes is quantified according to the fractal nature of the three-phase bounda... Read more

A. Bertei, E. Ruiz-Trejo, K. Kareh, V. Yufit, X. Wang, F. Tariq, N.P. Brandon,

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New Method for the Deposition of Nickel Oxide in Porous Scaffolds for Electrodes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers

New Method for the Deposition of Nickel Oxide in Porous Scaffolds for Electrodes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers

A simple chemical bath deposition is used to coat a complex porous ceramic scaffold with a conformal Ni layer.

The resulting composite is used as a solid oxide fuel cell electrode, and its electrochemical response is measured in humidified hydrogen. X‐ray tomography is used to determine the microstructural characteristics of the uncoated and Ni‐coated porous structure, which include the surface area to total volume, the radial pore size, and the size of the necks between the pores.... Read more

Dr. Enrique Ruiz‐Trejo, Milla Puolamaa, Brian Sum, Dr. Farid Tariq, Dr. Vladimir Yufit, Prof. Nigel P. Brandon

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Morphology and ontogeny of Lophopus crystallinus lophophore support the epistome as ancestral character of phylactolaemate bryozoans

Morphology and ontogeny of Lophopus crystallinus lophophore support the epistome as ancestral character of phylactolaemate bryozoans

Phylactolaemate bryozoans are the sister-group to all remaining bryozoan taxa. Consequently, their study is essential to reveal and analyze ancestral traits of Phylactolaemata and Bryozoa in general.

They are the only bryozoans to possess an epistome which traditionally has been regarded as shared with phoronids and brachiopods. Contrary to older observations, an epistome was recently reported to be missing in the early branching phylactolaemate Lophopus crystallinus. In this... Read more

Thomas Schwaha

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A Structure and Durability Comparison of Membrane Electrode Assembly Fabrication Methods: Self-Assembled Versus Hot-Pressed

A Structure and Durability Comparison of Membrane Electrode Assembly Fabrication Methods: Self-Assembled Versus Hot-Pressed

The most common means of fabricating membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) for polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) involves a hot-press step. The conditions used to perform the hot-press impacts the performance and durability of the fuel cell.

However, the hot-press process is not essential for achieving operational MEAs and some practitioners dispense with the hot-press stage altogether by using a self-assembled approach. By performing the integration of the components in-situ durin... Read more

Jennifer Hack, T. M. M. Heenan, F. Iacoviello, N. Mansor, Q. Meyer, P. Shearing, N. Brandon and D. J. L. Brett

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Automatic method for estimation of in situ effective contact angle from X-ray micro tomography images of two-phase flow in porous media

Automatic method for estimation of in situ effective contact angle from X-ray micro tomography images of two-phase flow in porous media

Multiphase flow in porous media is strongly influenced by the wettability of the system, which affects the arrangement of the interfaces of different phases residing in the pores.

We present a method for estimating the effective contact angle, which quantifies the wettability and controls the local capillary pressure within the complex pore space of natural rock samples, based on the physical constraint of constant curvature of the interface between two fluids. This algorithm is ... Read more

Alessio Scanziani, Kamaljit Singh, Martin J. Blunt, Alberto Guadagnini

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3D Failure Analysis of Pure Mechanical and Pure Chemical Degradation in Fuel Cell Membranes

3D Failure Analysis of Pure Mechanical and Pure Chemical Degradation in Fuel Cell Membranes

Lifetime-limiting failure of fuel cell membranes is generally attributed to their chemical and/or mechanical degradation. Although both of these degradation modes occur concurrently during operational duty cycles, their uncoupled investigations can provide useful insights into their individual characteristics and consequential impacts on the overall membrane failure.

X-ray computed tomography is emerging as an advantageous tool for fuel cell failure analysis due to its non-destructive ... Read more

Yadvinder Singh, Francesco P. Orfino, Monica Dutta, and Erik Kjeang

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Quantification of the degradation of Ni-YSZ anodes upon redox cycling

Quantification of the degradation of Ni-YSZ anodes upon redox cycling

Ni-YSZ anodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells are vulnerable to microstructural damage during redox cycling leading to a decrease in the electrochemical performance.


  • Quantification of redox damage by coupling 3D tomography, EIS and nanoindentation.
  • YSZ fracture, Ni detachment and agglomeration led to irreversible mechanical damage.
  • Ni nanoparticles obtained upon redox cycling improve electrochemical performance.
  • Loss in TPB densi... Read more

Bowen Song, Enrique Ruiz-Trejo, Antonio Bertei, Nigel P.Brandon

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Flexible all-fiber electrospun supercapacitor

Flexible all-fiber electrospun supercapacitor

Electrospun all-fiber flexible supercapacitor with nanofiber electrodes/separator.

  • Increased graphitic degree with the addition of MnACAC and thermal decomposition.
  • Enhanced capacitive performance with the addition of MnO.
  • Quantified nanofiber alignment and increased bias with MnO over undoped fibers.
  • FIBSEM tomography of nanofibers showing MnO disitribution in carbon nanofibers.

We present an all-fiber flexible supercapacitor with compo... Read more

Xinhua Liu, Max Naylor Marlow, Samuel J. Cooper, Bowen Song, Xiaolong Chen, Nigel P. Brandon, Billy Wu

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Linking defects, hierarchical porosity generation and desalination performance in metal–organic frameworks

Linking defects, hierarchical porosity generation and desalination performance in metal–organic frameworks

Composite membranes with defective metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) connect the emerging fields of MOF topological modification, MOF-polymer interfacial engineering and composite material functionalization.

Although defective MOFs can be fabricated via thermal or chemical treatment, the relationship between hierarchical MOF structure and their performance in a polymeric membrane matrix has so far not been investigated. Here we show how a modula... Read more

Weibin Liang, Lin Li, Jingwei Hou, Nicholas D. Shepherd, Thomas D. Bennett, Deanna M. D'Alessandro and Vicki Chen

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Chronic cigarette smoke exposure drives spiral ganglion neuron loss in mice

Chronic cigarette smoke exposure drives spiral ganglion neuron loss in mice

Tobacco use is associated with an increased risk of hearing loss in older individuals, suggesting cigarette smoke (CS) exposure may target the peripheral auditory organs. However, the effects of CS exposure on general cochlear anatomy have not previously been explored.

Here we compare control and chronic CS exposed cochleae from adult mice to assess changes in structure and cell survival. Two-photon imaging techniques, including the imaging of second harmonic generation (SHG) and two-p... Read more

Stephen T. Paquette, Ryan P. Dawes, Isaac K. Sundar, Irfan Rahman, Edward B. Brown & Patricia M. White

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Multi-length scale tomography for the determination and optimization of the effective microstructural properties in novel hierarchical solid oxide fuel cell anodes

Multi-length scale tomography for the determination and optimization of the effective microstructural properties in novel hierarchical solid oxide fuel cell anodes

Our parametric study shows that increasing the porosity in the spongy layer beyond 10% enhances the effective transport parameters of the spongy layer at an exponential rate, but linearly for the full anode. For the first time, local and global mass transport properties are correlated to the microstructure, which is of wide interest for rationalizing the design optimization of SOFC electrodes and more generally for hierarchical materials in batteries and membranes.

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Xuekun Lu, Oluwadamilola O. Taiwo, Antonio Bertei, Tao Li, Kang Li, Dan J.L. Brett, Paul R.Shearing

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Durable and self-hydrating tungsten carbide-based composite polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells

Durable and self-hydrating tungsten carbide-based composite polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells

Proton conductivity of the polymer electrolyte membranes in fuel cells dictates their performance and requires sufficient water management. Here, we report a simple, scalable method to produce well-dispersed transition metal carbide nanoparticles. We demonstrate that these, when added as an additive to the proton exchange Nafion membrane, provide significant enhancement in power density and durability over 100 hours, surpassing both the baseline Nafion and platinum-containing recast Nafion ... Read more

Weiqing Zheng, Liang Wang, Fei Deng, Stephen A. Giles, Ajay K. Prasad, Suresh G. Advani, Yushan Yan & Dionisios G. Vlachos

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X-ray tomography-assisted study of a phase inversion process in ceramic hollow fiber systems – Towards practical structural design

X-ray tomography-assisted study of a phase inversion process in ceramic hollow fiber systems – Towards practical structural design

In this study, a series of alumina hollow fibers have been prepared with varied polymer binder (polyethersulfone, PESf) concentration and new polymer-based internal coagulant (aqueous solution of polyvinyl alcohol, PVA). For the first time, the micro-channels were characterized in 3D using X-ray CT to determine micro-channel densities and diameters in the radial direction, as well as the 2D measurement of the pore size in the sponge-like layer.

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Tao Li, Xuekun Lu, Bo Wang, Zhentao Wu, Kang Li, Dan J.L. Brett, Paul R. Shearing

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EM connectomics reveals axonal target variation in a sequence-generating network

EM connectomics reveals axonal target variation in a sequence-generating network

The sequential activation of neurons has been observed in various areas of the brain, but in no case is the underlying network structure well understood. Here we examined the circuit anatomy of zebra finch HVC, a cortical region that generates sequences underlying the temporal progression of the song. We combined serial block-face electron microscopy with light microscopy to determine the cell types targeted by HVC(RA) neurons, which control song timing. Close to their soma, axons... Read more

Jörgen Kornfeld, Sam E Benezra, Rajeevan T Narayanan, Fabian Svara, Robert Egger, Marcel Oberlaender, Winfried Denk, Michael A Long

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Glass fiber length and orientation analysis of reinforced polymers (GFRP)

Glass fiber length and orientation analysis of reinforced polymers (GFRP)

Royal DSM is a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and
materials. Within DSM’s Materials Cluster DSM Engineering Plastics is a global player in specialty plastics. These materials are used in components for the electrical and electronics, automotive, flexible food packaging and consumer goods industries.

A typical product made of DSM Engineering Plastics’ polymer portfolio are USB-C connectors. Key performance indicators for this application are dimension... Read more

Jennifer Schillings, Arno Wilbers and Joachim Loos, DSM Materials Science Center, Geleen, The Netherlands

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AMSC Research, LLC uses Amira software to understand processes and rituals of Egyptian mummification

AMSC Research, LLC uses Amira software to understand processes and rituals of Egyptian mummification

“Scanning is important, but it is really just the first step in an immersive exploration of artifacts” says Elias. Raw data from scans taken of mummies (or other archaeological subject matter) is delivered to AMSC Research as files in a language known as DICOM. Next, these are converted into a visually readable form for analytical purposes and to launch the creative modeling process.

Elias uses Amira software to analyze scan data. Mummies are biological entities, so apart f... Read more

Dr. Jonathan Elias, AMSC Research, LLC

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The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago uses Amira sotware to visualize and analyze Egyptian mummified birds

The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago uses Amira sotware to visualize and analyze Egyptian mummified birds

Entering this special exhibit at the Oriental Institute Museum at the University of Chicago, you will immediately feel transported into the ancient  Nile delta marshlands with its lush green flora.

The combination of colors, video footage, bird songs, and ancient artifacts will give you the impression that you have just traveled through time and space.

At the start of the exhibit, you will find one of their most impressive artifacts, an empty shell of an ostrich egg from 3100 B... Read more

Rozenn Bailleul-LeSuer, The University of Chicago, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

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Palaeoecological inferences for the fossil Australian snakes Yurlunggur and Wonambi (Serpentes, Madtsoiidae)

Palaeoecological inferences for the fossil Australian snakes Yurlunggur and Wonambi (Serpentes, Madtsoiidae)

Madtsoiids are among the most basal snakes, with a fossil record dating back to the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian). Most representatives went extinct by the end of the Eocene, but some survived in Australia until the Late Cenozoic. Yurlunggur and Wonambi are two of these late forms, and also the best-known madtsoiids to date. A better understanding of the anatomy and palaeoecology of these taxa may shed light on the evolution and extinction of this poorly known group of s... Read more

Alessandro Palci, Mark N. Hutchinson, Michael W. Caldwell, John D. Scanlon, Michael S. Y. Lee

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The Victoria West: earliest prepared core technology in the Acheulean at Canteen Kopje and implications for the cognitive evolution of early hominids

The Victoria West: earliest prepared core technology in the Acheulean at Canteen Kopje and implications for the cognitive evolution of early hominids

Prepared core technology illustrates in-depth planning and the presence of a mental template during the core reduction process. This technology is, therefore, a significant indicator in studying the evolution of abstract thought and the cognitive abilities of hominids. Here, we report on Victoria West cores excavated from the Canteen Kopje site in central South Africa, with a preliminary age estimate of approximately 1 Ma (million years ago) for these cores. Technological analysis shows tha... Read more

Hao Li, Kathleen Kuman, Matt G. Lotter, George M. Leader, Ryan J. Gibbon

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The first Neanderthal remains from an open-air Middle Palaeolithic site in the Levant

The first Neanderthal remains from an open-air Middle Palaeolithic site in the Levant

The late Middle Palaeolithic (MP) settlement patterns in the Levant included the repeated use of caves and open landscape sites. The fossil record shows that two types of hominins occupied the region during this period—Neandertals and Homo sapiens. Until recently, diagnostic fossil remains were found only at cave sites. Because the two populations in this region left similar material cultural remains, it was impossible to attribute any open-air site to either species. In this study... Read more

Ella Been, Erella Hovers, Ravid Ekshtain, Ariel Malinski-Buller, Nuha Agha, Alon Barash, Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer, Stefano Benazzi, Jean-Jacques Hublin, Lihi Levin, Noam Greenbaum, Netta Mitki, Gregorio Oxilia, Naomi Porat, Joel Roskin, Michalle Soudack, Reuven Yeshurun, Ruth Shahack-Gross, Nadav Nir, Mareike C. Stahlschmidt, Yoel Rak & Omry Barzilai

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Echoes from the past: New insights into the early hominin cochlea from a phylo-morphometric approach

Echoes from the past: New insights into the early hominin cochlea from a phylo-morphometric approach

Investigation on cochlear variation, an indirect evidence of auditory capacities among early hominins and extant catarrhine species, in order to assess (i) the phylogenetic signal of relative external cochlear length (RECL) and oval window area (OWA), the evolutionary model with the highest probability of explaining our observed data, some hominin ancestral nodes for RECL and OWA. RECL has a high phylogenetic signal under a Brownian motion model, and is closely correlated with body mass. Our... Read more

José Braga, Priscille Bouvier, Jordan Romeyer Dherbey, Patricia Balaresque, Laurent Risser , Jean-Michel Loubes , Jean Dumoncel , Benjamin Duployer , Christophe Tenailleau

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